October 10th, 2021 ChildROC 35th online Storytime

Exploring the world - India


By Katelyn, Edwin, Michelle

Michelle: 罗村童言发起人。希望为罗村的小朋友创建一个有趣的中文启蒙平台

Founder of ROC Storytime,She wishes to build a platfrom for Chinese Enlightenment for kids.

Edwin: 8岁。喜欢阅读,音乐,绘画和手工创作。

Eight years old, he loves reading, music, drawing, and handicrafts.

Katelyn, 5岁,喜欢中文,小提琴,画画和运动。

Five years old, she loves Chinese, violin, drawing, and sports.

  1. 绘本: Desert Girl, Monsoon Boy 沙漠中的女孩,雨季里的男孩

2. 绘本:Festival of Colors 五彩节

3. Background Knowledge about Indian climate, culture and Physiography 关于印度气候,文化和地貌的小知识

4. Coloring Activities 涂色游戏:给印度国旗和地貌图涂上颜色

  • Physiographical Map Of India Tracing Template 印度地貌图涂色模版


  • Flag of India Coloring Template 印度国旗涂色模版
