August 15th, 2021 ChildROC 33rd online storytime
Love By Anna
By Anna, six years old, who loved to tell stories to one-year-old sister.
绘本1: 在眼角处亲吻的眼睛 eyes that kiss in the corners
Story 1: Eyes that Kissed in the Corners
Eyes that kissed in the Corners, glow like warm tea. My eyes are very pretty, as well as everyone in my family.
绘本2:我梦见婆婆了 I dream of Popo
Story 2: I dream of Popo.
I didn't see my grandma for a long time. Our thoughts will travel across the ocean, our heart will be able to pass on our love.
手工: 开学后就要过grandparents day了,趁暑假没结束,我们给爷爷奶奶姥姥姥爷做张问候卡片吧
Handy project: Grandparents day is coming up soon after school starts. Before the summer vacation is over, let’s make a greeting card for grandparents.