November 07, 2021 ChildROC 37th Online Storytime


By Jason, Kelly and Yunping

韵萍: Jason和Kelly的妈妈。有好多的爱好,最大的愿望是希望自己能有分身术。

Yunping: Mom of Jason and Kelly. She has a lot of hobbies. She wishes to make more copies of herself to do many things at the same time.

Jason: 6岁半,上一年级。超级喜欢阅读、做手工、搭动物园。

Jason: six and a half, first-grader, super love reading, handiworks, and make a zoo from blocks.

Kelly: 3岁半,pre-K。热爱画画、做手工、跟小朋友一起玩。

Kelly: three and a half, pre-k student, love to draw, handiwork, and playing with friends

绘本 1: 魔法亲亲 The Kissing Hand

绘本2:市场街最后一站 Last Stop on Market Street

绘本3: 长颈鹿不会跳舞 Giraffes Can't Dance