Jan 30th, 2022 ChildROC 42nd Online Storytime, Chinese New Year - Music Together Part 1
It's Chinese New Year! Children and adults who love music in Rochester Chinese Community present an extravagant musical feast with singing, dancing, and musical instruments. Come and enjoy!
Kelly 4岁 歌曲和小提琴曲《新年好》Song and Violin <Happy New Year>
Eunice 4岁 歌曲《小鸡快跑》Song <Chicken Run>
Isabel 6岁 大提琴《良宵》 Cello <The Beautiful Night>
Isabel 6岁 大提琴 《难忘今宵》Cello <Unforgettable Tonight>.
安娜 Anna 7岁 小提琴 《茉莉花》Violin <Jasmine Flowers>
Joanna 7岁 小提琴《恭喜恭喜》Violin <Gongxi Gongxi>
Jason and his family 7岁 长笛+钢琴+古筝+小提琴《梁祝》Flute + Piano+Guzheng+Violin <Butterfly Lovers>
Edwin 钢琴 《喜洋洋》Piano <Beaming with Joy>
火凤凰舞蹈团 《高原女人》Phoenix Dance Studio <Plateau Woman>
Kristin 古筝 《渔舟唱晚》Guzheng <Fishermen’s Song at Eventide>